Your Frame rate will be 29.97 by default. Enter the corresponding value into the corresponding field in Vegas. go to the “Details” tab, and from there check your “Frame width” and “Frame height”. If you’re working off windows right-click your footage. But before you change that try and see what your source footage’s aspect ratio is. There is nothing wrong with that unless you plan on your project being viewed by anyone with a computer monitor or television made in the past 5 years. By Default Sony Vegas 8.0 will start you off in 4:3 aspect ratio. From here we will see the New Project/Project Properties pane. click “New…” it will be the first option in the drop down menu.

go to file in the top left hand corner of your screen. Once Vegas is open let’s begin by starting a new project.
If you don’t know where you installed Sony Vegas at on your computer, try the search function, I’m hoping you’re tech savvy enough to know how to do that. navigate down to the Sony folder, Open the folder containing Vegas and start the program.

Open your start menu, and go to all programs. So lets start with the most basic of the basic, and that is opening the program. I’m using megaupload to host the files you will need, enclosed is a 15 sec video clip and a 10 audio clip. What you’re going to need for this video is a video clip that is about 15 seconds long. But very rarely does softwares interface change completely. I am using Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro, so things may change depending on your version. This will be a beginner level tutorial for some simple features in Sony Vegas. The first thing people tend to start with obviously is the beginning.